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eBook 2021: What Dreams Are These?

Apple iBook: US iBook Store – What Dreams Are These?

Amazon Kindle: UK Amazon Store – What Dreams Are These?
Amazon Kindle: DE Amazon Store – What Dreams Are These?
Amazon Kindle: US Amazon Store – What Dreams Are These?

If you go to your local Amazon or Apple iBook store it will also be available.

It is never just a photograph …

72 of my favourite nature photographs, each with a short reflection or text. Some very personal, some of a more general nature, together they give an insight into my strong emotional connection with our natural world. The book is an opportunity to take time to reflect about what we see, indeed what I see and feel when I explore such simple motifs as a spring flower, a half-frozen stream – I would like to think that both the image and text will perhaps give the reader an alternative perspective, another possibility to connect.

Amazon Kindle