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The Sigma DP Quattro Series In Practice

The iBook, written together Ines Mondon, is a short study of the SIGMA dp Quattro cameras looking at some of their functions and applications as we have found them. It is aimed at enthusiastic users or potential users of the cameras, especially for those who are less familiar with the Foveon sensor and with SPP the RAW conversion software from SIGMA. It should give tips and advice, which will hopefully make the use of the cameras easier or more productive, and should answer some questions in advance, which may arise when the cameras are used. The book should especially show what possibilities the cameras offer, and, with the help of the many ‚real world’ example images, what results may be achieved assuming the cameras are used to their best advantage.

The iBook is available in 29 countries. The link HERE is to the US iBook Store – if you go to your local iBook store it will also be available.